"Beethoven's Dream Machine"
The Greatest Instrument Ever Invented & How To Be Creative With It
             by Dale Wozny
Chapter 8: Where

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Where? Creating for creating's sake probably began with our buddy Og drawing in the dirt. Only when it rained or when someone walked on it, it was ruined. Og then figured he'd draw on the wall. Or, with respect of music, as ancient man was clubbing some beast to death after a long chase, it was a pounding of triumph-an adrenaline release of the kill or be killed present reality situation. That pounding was probably accompanied by some yell of victory to alert the other hunters of his catch to help carry it back to the cave. Maybe that's when Og began drawing the story of his glorious hunt on the cave wall for all to see. After then they may have tried to hype themselves up for the next hunt by beating on something (a drum) and yelling their victory yell to get pumped up for the event.

Somewhere along the lines we likely decided that we could beat the drum in a nice way and sing a nice melody as opposed to the furious pounding, pump-you-up type of hunter's chant. Not unlike that of a bird for example. Possibly we picked up some type of repetitive call and response approach to melody from birds. I hear that type of simple form in many bird's calls. I could just see some prehistoric artist colony with Og and his buddies painting on the walls and some others banging a drum and chanting along. Or maybe I'm giving them far too much credit. The truth is we'll never really know, but it's amusing to speculate. Speculation enlivens our perspective on creating which is the purpose of this book. Given that possible scenario as to where it began, it belies the question of where it is going.

Music is going wherever the creators choose to take it. I suppose it flows in waves in the same way a school of fish move together, or a flock of birds. There is no set plan, no defined destination, but a movement by any one seems to trigger a collective movement by all. Darting here and there, avoiding a predator perhaps. In this same fashion, each musician, each player, each composer in the grand musical scheme plays a small part by both following and nudging it a little at the same time. The important thing is that you are part of the Grand Symphony of Music. Pete Townshend of The Who once said that if he were to write a symphony for each person on earth and play them all simultaneously, that cacaphonic sound would be ONE BIG NOTE. That's harmony in every sense of the word!

One cannot discuss where in music without addressing the actual flow of music. Music is time elapsed. You begin at zero and proceed. You cannot go on a journey if you don't know where you're going. The same holds true for music-down to the chord change, or upcoming note. Where you are going will tell you how to get there. The final chord or key change will dictate it's approach. Taking into account of course a given mood or framework within which you are composing.


Part I. The Synthesizer
Chapter 1: Dream Machine?
Chapter 2: Brief History Of Music
Chapter 3: Brief History Of The Synthesizer
Chapter 4: Brief History Of Recorded Music
Part II. Creating
Chapter 5: A Brief History Of Creating
Chapter 6: Why
Chapter 7: When
Chapter 8: Where
Chapter 9: Who
Chapter 10: What
Part III. How
Chapter 11: How: Composing From Scratch
Part IV. Aaarghhh!
Chapter 12: Inspirations, Jump Starts
Part V. Directions
Chapter 13: The Logical Next Step

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