"Beethoven's Dream Machine"
The Greatest Instrument Ever Invented & How To Be Creative With It
             by Dale Wozny
Chapter 6: Why

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Why create? The simple answer is why not. If one feels the need or desire, one creates. But I think it goes much deeper than that. To uncover the reason or need, one must investigate back to the beginning. When doing this, it's really only a best guess based on lots of logical speculation and a few good clues. By clues I mean archaeological finds. Take animals drawn on cave walls by ancient man. Perhaps the first art for art's sake. There are theories as to the purpose but I think it's simply a need. I know I feel powerful and complete after I've just finished a painting or a sculpture or a piece of music. I've expressed myself. I've said "Here, this is ME. THIS is how I FEEL about THAT." It gives me some greater sense of purpose. It lets others know that I was here on planet earth. I didn't just exist, I DID SOMETHING. I think this is a basic need going back to the hunter gatherer days.

I mean, if all we did was plant crops, eat, and raise children to do the same, life would be boring. We'd be essentially animals. Through art-through creating, we shape our environment. To create is first to envision, to dream to imagine things as they could be. To fashion the world around us to suit our tastes. In it's pure form, it allows us to be individuals as opposed to simply being another human. It is the platform on which we as a race advance.

Another one of the main purposes for creating is basically an historic one. Art chronicles the best in mankind for future generations to appreciate, be inspired by and learn from. I think it is important as an artist to be aware of this. Artists are if nothing else historians. They provide the means by which we transport ourselves back to their time-to their mode of thought-to their reality. For example: we've all seen pictures and old scratchy film clips of the Roaring '20's. Women with their heads covered in these funny-looking skull cap-type hats and long straight dresses with beads and tassles moving as they danced. Suppose they just stood there with that silly outfit on. We'd be left to wonder why. But when we see them going nuts having fun dancing to the Charleston, and we hear that wonderfully jovial, happy, not-a-care-in-the-world, Stutz Bearcat, drums crashing, banjo pluncking music, when we take the time to appreciate the architecture of the day, we get a far better "feel" for what it must have been like to have lived in that era and this enriches our lives.

Let's go further back. Think of the 17th century when Baroque music was in it's heyday. When there were no showers and people bathed a few times a year; when both men's and women's clothing was several layers thick and without a doubt not nearly as comfortable as today's; when people used to hold a lemon wedge on a fork in front of their mouths when speaking to someone at close range because they hadn't yet invented mouthwash or perfected the concept of brushing one's teeth; etc. With all that in mind we can perhaps guess at what it was like to be alive then, BUT upon hearing the music and looking at the paintings of the day, we can almost place ourselves there. This is done largely by holding it up against what is popular today and drawing a comparison.

Let's go WAY BACK. Back to the hunter gatherer era. Why did they create? Largely for practical reasons. A spearhead to kill a woolly mammoth at first. A knife to cut the carcass. Then there's Og painting pictures of the woolly mammoth on the cave wall. Og, what are you doing that for? Why don't you make yourself useful and gather some more firewood. Og the artist gets no respect. But if it wasn't for Og's drawings, we may know far less about the way they lived so long ago. The old saying: you've got to know where you've been, to know where you're going, holds especially true in the act of creating.

All of this explains why the creations are of importance to the people who will absorb them years later, but it still does not pin down exactly why man creates. Ultimately because it feels good. One has the desire to create and fulfills that desire. Simple. Like a scratched itch. This point could be picked apart without end. The time wasted doing so would be better spent creating something!


Part I. The Synthesizer
Chapter 1: Dream Machine?
Chapter 2: Brief History Of Music
Chapter 3: Brief History Of The Synthesizer
Chapter 4: Brief History Of Recorded Music
Part II. Creating
Chapter 5: A Brief History Of Creating
Chapter 6: Why
Chapter 7: When
Chapter 8: Where
Chapter 9: Who
Chapter 10: What
Part III. How
Chapter 11: How: Composing From Scratch
Part IV. Aaarghhh!
Chapter 12: Inspirations, Jump Starts
Part V. Directions
Chapter 13: The Logical Next Step

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